Wednesday 8 May 2019

catching up on November 2017: Cardiff Poetry Experiment

I was invited to read at Cardiff Poetry Experiment November 28th 2017 with John hall and Lisa Samuels. 

This is what I read:

I created Is the page like skin? ... but this is a screen of light in a new form for this event. 
In 2010 I wrote an essay on my MA Performance Writing “Folding into the Haptic”, I folded this essay up and transcribed it – this is taken from that version, using deletion, leaving whole phrases. The first paragraph is from the original.
It is somehow an introduction to me.

I sip from the Lily, written in 2017 but linking back to work on my fine art degree in 1998/99. Some themes just keep threading through.

Ysgwydd uses the text created for a surround sound piece of the same name during my MA Performance Writing.

Then I read from what was a current commission for Arcade Cardiff’s
Nid/Not writer (not) in residence: Caerdydd: Past and Presence
Spring dreams, huffing 1 & 3 [soundcloud track is slightly  longer piece and includes the listy version I read 1 and the more "expressive" alphabetical version 3 ]

Light full 1 & 3

Many thanks to Rosie for helping me finalise the order of work and to Josh for inviting me. And the terrifying panel afterwards…with Wanda - Lisa & John
And I decided to be both Flo & Maura

Friday 14 July 2017

Thursday 2 February 2017


I haven't done  much by way of public work, no commissions. Spent time being me, looking at my health, looking at my possessions...waiting...
I did write a limerick about myself, as requested, for a west Wales Quakers' party in January [I did read one of my poems at the event too]:

As a poet I'm far too serious,
My subjects are often mysterious;
A bit avant garde
I find it quite hard
To keep metre and rhyme

Thursday 20 August 2015

Out of Doors - Caerdydd/Cardiff

Coming up at the end of August....
enwi'r gwyllt = naming the wild 
separate blog here

What happens when we name things?
How does it change our experience of those “things”? We see, we learn the name [either by reading or having someone tell us], we write the name and we are back into the visual – a code to translate back into the aural.
How can naming the plants change our experience of a place? How do names of plants affect how we see each different sort of plant? How much can names tell us about plants and their use and what people in the past thought of them?
Part of the life of the plant is made through photosynthesis, some plants are phototoxic or have particular photonastic attributes. Most of the inhabitants [plants, fungi, animals] of this planet are photosensitive; I am particularly so. This inspires me to use light as a basic recording material: camera-less photographic techniques such as cyanotypes and lumen prints.
Collecting plant names in English and the Brythonic languages is an ongoing project.
I lived close to Roath Park in the mid-1980s and the late 1990s.

out of doors

After the event:

Can you write lists in ink pen in the rain? yes. can you make cyanotypes in the rain? yes

cyantotypes made in collaboration with Paul Hetherington

Saturday 25 July 2015

Rhod at Made in Roath October 2014

enwi'r gwyllt | naming the wild
On September 10th 2014 I looked in the garden for wild plants  [weeds] and named them. I use plants to map my world.
Collecting plant names in English and the Brythonic languages is an ongoing project. Here I speak the English and the Cymraeg.
David Shepherd will work out where the picture labels go in the garden as I will not be able to return in person to the garden for Made in Roath.
I lived close to this road in the mid 1980s and the late 1990s.
Diolch | Thank you: Jacob Whittaker & David Shepherd

Saturday 16 August 2014

Jane Austen

Colony 14 has arrived

Maura will be showing:
Gweithio gyda | working with Jane Austen
written & spoken word

at: Bookends,
High Street Shopping Arcade Aberteifi/Cardigan SA43 IHJ
From 16th August - 1st September
Bookends is open 9.00 - 5.30 Monday - Saturday.

On the private view night [August 16th from 17,00 at all venues] Bookends will be open through until 19.30 there'll be some Jacob Whittaker master brewer wine available.

Maura proposes reading events - participatory
Saturday 23rd August for elevenses
A LINK to a little snippet of elevenses with Jane
Saturday 30th August at 15.00.
Bookends can sell you a cup of tea or coffee! and if it's not raining we can sit outside...the themes will be philosophy and Jane Austen, Maura will provide books and set up reading rules and see what chance outcomes occur.


Friday 30 May 2014

Salon de Textes Edition 2

Pride & Prejudice Movement & Letters by Way of Verbs - a reading
Delpha Hudson - curator/organiser - sits with bell in hand to stop me after 10 minutes, I was getting close to the end....


Also showing were Working with Jane Austen Movement: Past, Possible, Present and Mention of Letters [Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Persuasion] and the short version of Pride & Prejudice.
Plus Judith Whitehouse's response to my reading Pride & Prejudice Movement & Letters by Way of Verbs [heard via a recording] and my response to Mark Leahy's "hello" This is a test", more on that HERE

Link to Salon de Textes Edition 2 April 11th 2014
 a wide range of works - live or in response to spoken word pieces.