Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Art at Rhosygilwen

I will be showing work at Art at Rhosygilwen, arts festival, July 3rd & 4th
in the exhibition:

Tarantela yn erbyn y wâl: dawns i arbed fy mywyd cyn i mi gyrraedd 50
Tarantella against the wall: a dance to save my life before I’m 50

Tarantella: a dance to remove the poison and melancholy of the spider's bite, a dance to save your life.

I examine myself, my body …not a youthful body any longer, physical limitations, psoriasis, notions of depression, melancholy and what are we do about such emotions?
Alongside this are my continuing investigations of movement and stillness, which captures movement best, moving or still images (wrote my first essay on this in 1983)? In what ways do we believe photography? If I tell you this is taken with a compact camera with no cable release; and these are not stills from a video…. How do you read it?
At times it is impossible for me to dance due to psoriatic arthritis…so how do I set out to save my one, precious life? And how do I feel about wearing a petticoat in a smooth skinned slim youth beauty culture?
a slow tarantella by L' Arpeggiata - "remember you must die" can be listened to here
around and about:
Cosmic housekeeper: sweeping the yard
Gwraig cadw tŷ cosmig: ysgubo’r llathen
cosmic housekeeper : sweeping the yard i 4
Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. A square yard is defined by four tape measures – metric on one side, imperial the other, pinned together. A small quadrant of the universe is designated for cleaning. All manner of brushes and cloths are used.
Conversations sometimes occur… about domestic things, a particular one I remember is about an old tradition, from maybe just my locality, of cleaning slate floor slabs then drawing a pattern with dock leaves.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

holy hiatus iii

6 images very very very slowly dissolved from one to next. the first two from preparatory work, the second two from HH i the third pair from HH ii

Friday, 30 April 2010

a plant project for the Arnolfini, Bristol

a new collaboration with flo fflach, available as a publication

link to the start of the trail here

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Holy Hiatus III

Saturday May 22
4 – 10.15 p.m.
Small World Theatre

Dydd Sadwrn Mai 22
4 – 10.15 y.p.
Canolfan Byd BychanAberteifi

This ongoing collaboration between Maura Hazelden & Lou Laurens explores the relationship between the material and the immaterial through image, voice and movement. Can the physical change consciousness, create sacred space, evoke the “holy”?

Mae’r cydweithrediad parhaus hwn rhwng Maura Hazelden & Lou Laurens yn archwilio, drwy ddelwedd, llais a symudiad, y berthynas rhwng y materol a’r anfaterol. A all y corfforol newid ymwybyddiaeth, creu gofod cysegredig, galw ar y ‘sanctaidd’?

A limited audience at any one time. Refreshments available.
Cynulleidfa gyfyng ar unrhyw un adeg. Lluniaeth ar gael.

unfunded untitled unrehearsed
heb deitl heb gyllid heb ymarfer
from 2009

sensing listening sounding
sensing listening moving

Sunday 16th May/Dydd Sul, 16fed Mai
2 parallel workshops with Maura Hazelden (movement) & Lou Laurens (voice).
£20 Booking essential
Workshop: 2.30pm - 6pm. Shared space: 7pm – 8.30pm.

For further information about the performance or workshop please Email: sensinglistening@googlemail.com Tel: 01239 891603

link to further details of the workshop

link to all Holy Hiatus entries....with further links to writing....

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Lines & Strata

An open exhibition presenting a cross section of contemporary drawing practice from artists across Wales

Arddangosfa agored sy'n cyflwyno croestoriad o arferion darlunio cyfoes o bob cwr o Gymru.

Oriel Llyfrgell Dinbych/Denbigh Library Galery

Sgwar y Neuadd, Dinbych

06.03.2010 - 17.04.10

holy hiatus 3, 4 & 5: repetition & stillness

Drawing has always paid an important part in my life. My two favourite methods being pencil (currently Staedtler EE) and pen & ink. The work has ranged from near botanical accuracy to abstracting the landscape. I also view drawing in broader terms seeing lines and arrangements in everyday life that I photograph – from natural to synthetic. Throughout my life I have also used movement. In formal training I learnt to remember sequences of movement by orientation in the space and a sense of drawing with feet and hands. When I created a phrase of movement (to be repeated for 6 hours) for Holy Hiatus I was very aware of the floor pattern, especially as one of my practice places was on the estuary in Trefdraeth/Newport.