Salon de Textes, Penzance April 11th
Pride & Prejudice Movement & Letters by Way of Verbs - a reading - see THIS POST
The Language of Lists, Text Festival, Bury May 2nd - July 9th
Flighty Whispers, a video
“At a recent work shop on sound symbolism in Atlanta, Georgia, he reported that "wh" words associated with words that describe the production of noises such as "whisper", "whine" or "whirr", and those beginning with "fl" that tend to signal movement in the air, such as "fly" or "flail", also enjoyed this fast track in the brain's processing. Bergen concludes that these may all be forms of sound symbolism.”
Robson, D. (2011, July 16). Kiki or bouba? In search of language's missing link . New Scientist , 30-33
Flighty Whispers to Feathers from Flo Fflach on Vimeo.
A link to some images from the exhibition - a report from the exhibition - including spoken word